Podcasting: Production & Training

Develop Your Podcast With Ideas That Change the World

Content marketing comes in many different shapes and sizes. Creators like you have a lot of options: blog posts, social media updates, visuals, video, slide decks, publications, radio and even more. You can even add podcasting to this mix. Audio is being used in clever ways to fit into the content plans of some of the top forward-thinking websites and blogs. Figeroux & Associates, podcast, ASKTHELAWYER, developed by NYC Media Training, is a great idea where community and business can learn from great ideas and information with rewards to all. Podcasts seem to be a growing trend that is here to stay. Have you thought about starting your own? If so, please register for our broadcast training and podcast development seminar series.


There is a growing excitement with podcasts; storytelling with sounds and pictures. Streaming audio and video have become simpler to access, is readily available on mobile devices, and can be personalized more than ever before. This signals a unique opportunity for publishers, marketers, journalists, and communication professionals to connect with audiences via this exciting “new” medium.

Have you joined the world of Podcasting yet?
Right now, it’s one of the fastest growing ways to market your business and has a greater power to connect with your audience, your customers, than any other. The concept of podcasting is simple: you speak with passion on a topic that you are passionate about, while an audience consumes that content on-demand in a really simple way. Podcasting builds trust, credibility and loyalty to one’s brand or cause.
Why podcasting?
  1. You are passionate and knowledgeable and have stories to share.
  2. Audio is an intimate and easy way to connect with an audience.
  3. It’s fun and satisfying that people enjoy listening to you.
  4. Over 60 million Americans listen to podcasts every month, and that number is increasing.
  5. It’s easy-to-use-technology.

This is the age of podcasting. Don’t miss out! Sign up today!

Do you have a message that you want to get out to a broader audience? Do you feel strongly about an idea that a podcast could amplify and help build your brand, drive traffic to your products and boost your business? Are you thinking about starting a podcast, and you just haven’t got it going or think it’s too complicated or will take too much time? Maybe you just haven’t had the discipline or a clear plan that you can follow to take your idea from concept to outcome. Whatever your reason can help you get started. Register now for our Launch Your Podcast Boot Camp.

Community Broadcast

All Black Radio

In the studio

